Rod Seal Set R33


Rod Seal Set R33 is two piece seal set and it consists of PU Profile ring and an O-ring as energising element. Set R33 has very high static and dynamic sealing effect, high resistance to abrasion and low friction.

Specially as part of sealing system
Standard cylinders
Mobile hydraulics
Machine tools
Injection molding machines

Standard material
Material Code SN211
O-ring 70 ShA N7020
Profile Ring U5012
Back-up ring, Material Polyacetal resine (POM)

Pressure, Speed
Working pressure
In tandem system 60 Mpa
As individual element 25 Mpa
Running speed, v up to 1,0 m/s

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Max. permissible gap dimension, emax
Max pressure
L=3,2 L=4,2 L=6,3 L=8,1
16 Mpa 0,35 0,35 0,40 0,50
26 Mpa 0,25 0,25 0,30 0,35
Surface quality*
Surface roughness Ra Rmax
Sliding surfaces 0.05 .. 0,3μm ≤ 2,5 μm
Groove base ≤ 1.6 μm ≤ 6.3 μm
Groove flanks ≤ 3 μm ≤ 15 μm

*Contact area Mr = 50% to 90% at cutting depth c=Rz/2 and reference line Cref=0%
